목록도전 (1052)
https://code.google.com/p/emailalbum/ emailalbumPackage pictures in a single file for easy emailing and viewing.
http://blog.daum.net/haha25/5387541 http://shinluckyarchive.tistory.com/469 안드로이드 사진 불러오기 out of memory error 관련된 내용도 있음. http://blog.daum.net/aroi/172 이미지를 갤러리로 표현하자. http://gggura.egloos.com/3919164 URI를 가지고 Image Path 얻어 오기* Gallery를 실행 하여 Crop이미지 가지고 오기 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, null); intent.setType("image/*"); intent.putExtra("crop", "true"); DisplayMetrics dm =..
http://croute.me/446 리스트뷰 아이템 클릭 이벤트 - ListView Item Click 데이터 전달하는 것도 추가되어 있음. http://croute.me/519 데이터를 찾는 것에 대해서 기술 되어 있음. @Overridepublic void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id){ // 클릭된 아이템의 포지션을 이용해 어댑터뷰에서 아이템을 꺼내온다. String blogUrl = (String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position); // 클릭된 아이템의 포지션을 이용해 스트링어레이에서 아이템을 꺼내온다. String blogUrl = blogArray[posit ion];} http:..
Android Ebooks 01.Apress Android Apps for Absolute Beginners (2011)Download02.Apress Android Essentials (2008)Download03.Apress Android Recipes, A Problem-Solution Approach (2011)Download04.Apress Beginning Android (2009)Download05.Apress Beginning Android 2 (2010)Download06.Apress Beginning Android 3 (2011)Download07.Apress Beginning Android 4 (2012)Download08.Apress Practical Android Projects ..
http://androidimran.blogspot.kr/2012/06/android-gallery-example.html Android Gallery ExampleGallery is an internal element which can scroll horizontally and layout component of the currently selected child elements are positioned in the center of it. STEP 1: Creating a new project from File->New->Android Project with Gallerydemo Activity Name STEP 2: Copy Image files to res/drawable Folder STEP ..
http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/android/widget/ImageView.ScaleType.html public static final enumImageView.ScaleTypeextends Enum java.lang.Object ↳java.lang.Enum ↳android.widget.ImageView.ScaleTypeClass OverviewOptions for scaling the bounds of an image to the bounds of this view.SummaryEnum ValuesImageView.ScaleType CENTER Center the image in the view, but perform no scaling. Imag..
구글 맵 데모들을 한눈에 2012.8.10 현재 1 - 5 of 65Map localization This demo shows how the map (directions, geocoding, legends) changes when it is loaded with the language parameter set to different values. Kasia Derc-FenskeMap events This demo lists all the events that can be triggered for the google.maps.Map object and shows when that happens, by highlighting the event names. Kasia Derc-FenskeCountry expl..
한글 http://androidhuman.tistory.com/entry/%EC%95%88%EB%93%9C%EB%A1%9C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-%EC%9E%AC%EC%83%9D%ED%95%A0-%EC%88%98-%EC%9E%88%EB%8A%94-%EB%A9%80%ED%8B%B0%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%96%B4-%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%98%95%EC%8B%9D%EB%93%A4-%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC-%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%EB%B2%95 http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/guide/appendix/media-formats.html Android Supported Media F..