목록도전 (1050)
https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25077899#home “강남 한복판서 핸들 떼고 달렸다” 현대차, 아이오닉5 자율주행 시범 서비스 원희룡 국토교통부 장관이 9일 오전 서울 강남 테헤란로에서 자율주행 기술이 적용된 시범 택시를 타고 난 후 이렇게 말했다. 현대자동차는 이날 국토부·서울시와 함께 서울 강남·서초구에서 www.joongang.co.kr
https://www.youtube.com/c/econSystems-india e-con Systems e-con Systems™ is a product company focused on OEM products with the sole motive to help customers accelerate the time to market. With over 17 years of experience, e-con systems™ bringing the demanding imaging requirements with USB 3.1 Gen 1 cameras, M www.youtube.com https://youtu.be/kLWbuVJn-gE
https://www.krioyb.com/motor_driven_power_steering-552.html Kia Rio: Steering System / Motor Driven Power Steering Kia Rio 2017-2022 YB Service Manual / Steering System / Motor Driven Power Steering Description and operation Description MDPS (Motor Driven Power Steering) system uses an electric motor to assist the steering force and it is an engine operation independent steering system. MDPS con..
https://www.krioyb.com/motor_driven_power_steering-552.html Kia Rio: Steering System / Motor Driven Power Steering Kia Rio 2017-2022 YB Service Manual / Steering System / Motor Driven Power Steering Description and operation Description MDPS (Motor Driven Power Steering) system uses an electric motor to assist the steering force and it is an engine operation independent steering system. MDPS con..