목록작업 (529)
http://forum.segger.com/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=1672#stm32f429iDiscovery#emWin#STemWin I've tested STemWin Examples [1] on STM32F429 Discovery with GCC Compiler (EmBlocks 2.30 [2]). Original configuration is as follow #define XSIZE_PHYS 240 #define YSIZE_PHYS 320 #if (COLOR_MODE_0 == _CM_ARGB8888) #define COLOR_CONVERSION_0 GUICC_M8888I #define DISPLAY_DRIVER_0 GUIDRV_LIN_32 Without any m..
http://stm32f4-discovery.com/2015/01/library-50-stemwin-stm32f429-discovery/ Library 50- STemWin for STM32F429-DiscoveryBY TILZ0R · JANUARY 12, 2015ST provides emWin library from Segger. It is professional GUI (Graphical User Interface), optimized for speed and performance for microcontrollers. ST has it’s own implementation, called STemWin. With this GUI, you can do many thing, of use simple bu..
https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=face+liveness+detection&oq=FACE+LIVENESS&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.9650j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 관련검색: face liveness detection using variable focusing face detection 원리face detection source code opencv face detection open sourceface detection algorithmface liveness detection에 대한 학술자료Face liveness detection from a single image with … - Tan - 96회 인용Face..
https://www.shinhancard.com/conts/person/card_useinfo/comboservice/comboservice.jsp 원하는 서비스를 카드에 추가로!카드 교체없이 원하는 서비스를 추가로 구매하여 이용하는 신개념 서비스신청이용내역 조회연결카드 변경해지Combo 종류※ 해당 이미지를 클릭하시면 상세보기가 가능합니다.Combo Group1은 1인당 최대 2개까지 신청 가능합니다.Combo Group1은 통신사 카드 등 각종 멤버십과 중복할인 가능하며 결제일 할인이 적용됩니다. (단, Combo가 탑재된 카드에서 제공되는 카드 서비스와 중복될 경우에는 Combo가 제공되지 않고 해당 카드의 서비스만 제공)Combo Group1은 전월 이용금액 따라 차등 제공되오니 각 Combo별..
욕실 장 1000mm / 15만원 http://shopping.naver.com/search/all_search.nhn?query=%EC%8A%AC%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C%20%EC%9A%95%EC%8B%A4%EC%9E%A5&pagingIndex=2&pagingSize=40&productSet=total&viewType=list&sort=price_asc&searchBy=none&frm=NVSHPAG http://www.11st.co.kr/product/SellerProductDetail.tmall?method=getSellerProductDetail&prdNo=762723303&NaPm=ct=iaxhzt2g|ci=43914afd6187ec05e034a2c8d41aeeb63ccd..
초소형에서 주문자 요구사항 반영 라벨 기기 개발 업체 threej 010-4266-2324
http://itsfoss.com/apple-open-sources-swift-programming-language-linux/ Apple Open Sources Swift Programming Language, Will Be Available On LinuxLast updated June 10, 2015 By ABHISHEK LEAVE A COMMENTCare to Share?6We finally lived to see the day when Microsoft and Apple are making their products open source. Earlier Microsoft had announced the open sourcing of .NET programming language. Followin..
http://www.businessinsider.com/hendo-hoverboard-maker-wants-to-hover-your-house-in-an-earthquake-2015-6 The makers of a hoverboard have a new plan to make your house hover in an earthquakeBIZ CARSON JUN. 10, 2015, 4:20 PM849FACEBOOKLINKEDINTWITTEREMAILPRINTArx PaxJill Avery Henderson and Greg Henderson, co-founders of Arx PaxSee AlsoGoogle Was Making A Space Elevator And A Hoverboard, But Couldn..