목록논문관련 (15)
RTCSA2010 - Home - 오전 11:49 - [ 이 페이지 번역하기 ] The 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2010) will be held in Macau SAR, P.R.C.. ... conference.cs.cityu.edu.hk/rtcsa2010/ - 저장된 페이지 RTCSA 2009_Homepage The final program brochure is available now. Embedded System Real-Time Systems Ubiquitous Computing (Presentation: Full paper: 25 min..
ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing www.icsoc.org IMPORTANT DATES Research and Industry Papers: Abstract due: June 1, 2010 Full paper due: June 7, 2010 Notification: July 14, 2010 Camera ready due: August 23, 2010 Pervasive and Mobile Services Embedded and Real-time Services PROCEEDINGS & SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC 2010 proceeding..
BPM BPM International Conference in Business Process Management http://www.bpm2010.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/2010BPM-CFP-v1.pdf Workshop proposals due: 22 December 2009 Paper submissions: 14 March 2010 Workshop submissions: 21 May 2010 Tutorial/Panel/Demo submissions: 21 May 2010 Workshops: 13 September 2010 Conference: 14-16 September 2010 Process modeling notations and methods Data-awar..
진흥재단 등재지, 등재후보지 리스트 등재지 등재후보지 http://www.nrf.go.kr/htm/business/14_valuation/01_summary/20090807_1_301.jsp?flashActive=011501 사업개요 홈 > 사업안내 > 학술지평가 > 사업개요 사업 목적 국내 학술지의 질적 수준 향상을 유도 재단의 각 연구비지원에 따른 학술연구업적 평가의 객관적 자료로 활용 평가 대상 연구자들간에 학술정보를 교류하기 위하여 정기적으로 발행되는 학술지 (소식지 성격의 간행물 등은 제외) 신청년도를 제외하고 1년에 1회 이상 3년간 발행한 실적이 있어야 함. 평가 대상 제출서류 (제출기간은 온라인 신청접수 이후 대상기관에 별도 공지) 자체평가서 및 증빙자료 양식, 투고논문대장, 임원명단, 학..
http://www.iccs-meeting.org/ ICCS 2010: "Celebrating 10 years of Advancing Computational Thinking"Computational Science University of Amsterdam The Netherlands May 31 - June 2, 2010 In 2010 ICCS celebrates its 10th anniversary in Amsterdam. For this great event we will have five world leading keynote speakers to give their vision on Computational Science now and in the future. To join in the cel..
http://www.iccsa.org/ Sections Home Committees Themes Sessions Electronic Submission System Registration Personal tools Log in You are here: Home Quick LinksRegistration and Payment Visa Request Form Proceedings Call for Papers Author's Instructions Important Dates Related LinksConference Venue Hotel accomodations Access to Fukuoka ICCSA 2009 ICCSA 2009 Special Issues Instructions The 2010 Inter..
CALL FOR PAPERS WORLDCOMP'10 The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas, USA http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/ Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2010 You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed book form; later..