
아이폰 핵~(안드로이드 올리기) 본문


아이폰 핵~(안드로이드 올리기)

hotdigi 2010. 4. 22. 17:53

Android successfully running on iPhone!

Phones, Post, iPhone, iPhone OS 4.0 | Hans | April 21, 2010 at 7:25 pm

Android iPhone

iPhone hacker planetbeing has finally managed to run Google’s Android operating system on the iPhone. You can now dual boot and run Android on your iPhone. He says flash MAY be supported. See the video for details. Credit goes to planetbeing, CPICH for reversing support, harmn1, p0sixninja, jean, marcan, saurik, and TheSeven.

Want to help out with this? You can donate to planetbeing at planetbeing at gmail.com or go to #iphonelinux on irc.osx86.hu. Download the prebuilt images and README here.

[via Linux on the iPhone]

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