안드로이드 책 본문
아직 출시 전인 책인데, 좋아보인다.
Wei-Meng Lee 라는 분 대단하시네, 어떤 언어든 하루 혹은 이틀만에 정복 할 수 있는 코스를 제시하네.ㅋ.
코드 다운로드
Android 4 Programming 24-Hour Trainer (Paperback)
$40.02Save $7.0715% offRRP $47.09Free delivery worldwide(to South Korea and
all these other countries)248 days to goShort Description for Android 4 Programming 24-Hour TrainerThis book-and-video package is a fast-paced introduction to Android 4 programming The exciting Android mobile platform continues to evolve at a fast pace, and now, with the release of Android 4, there's a single OS solution for both smartphone and table applications.
Full description- Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc Published: 05 April 2013Format: Paperback 432 pages
- See: Full bibliographic data
- Categories: Computer Programming / Software Development PDA / Handheld Programming Software Engineering
- ISBN 13: 9781118207482 ISBN 10: 1118207483
- Sales rank: 541,712
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