
javafx 2 documentation 본문


javafx 2 documentation

hotdigi 2014. 7. 9. 02:40
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2 Documentation


1Get set up
2Create the framework
3Define the UI
4Lay out the UI controls
Install SDK image

Get set up

The first step in getting started with JavaFX is to download and install the Java SE 7 JDK, which includes the JavaFX runtime libraries and utilities. See the JDK 7 and JRE 7 Installation Guide for instructions.

JavaFX Scene Builder provides a simple way to build the UI for your application and connect it to the application logic. To install this tool, see Installing JavaFX Scene Builder.

1Manage the layout
2Customize UI controls
3Style with CSS
4Apply visual effects
5Apply transformations
Manage UI Controls image

Manage the layout

Managing the look and feel of your UI starts with the layout. When the default size and position of the controls don't provide the look you want, see Tips for Sizing and Aligning Nodes for ideas on how to adjust the controls and the layout to create your ideal UI.

In JavaFX Scene Builder, you can use the Layout panel to manage the constraints of the nodes. See Layout Panel for information.

1Review the architecture
2Work with scene graph
3Manage threads
4Handle events
5Use bindings
Review the architecture image

Review the architecture

An understanding of the architectural components of the JavaFX platform can help you design your JavaFX application. See JavaFX Architecture and Framework for an overview of the platform, an explanation of how the different components interact, and a description of the features of JavaFX.

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